One-on-one Credit and Budgeting Counseling is available to anyone wishing to improve their credit score an manage their household budget. Complete the Credit Counseling Application and forward to our office. A counselor will contact you for an appointment.
One-on-one Credit Counseling Session Includes
Analyzing credit report.
Instruction on building a better credit report.
Create plan to reduce spending, reduce / eliminate debt, become "credit-worthy."
Contacting creditors - do's & don'ts.
Discuss household needs and goals.
Developing a household budget.
Create short / long term goals with achievable timelines.
Set schedule for follow-up sessions / phone calls to relay progress.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant is required to pay a one time nominal processing fee of $40.
Client agrees to attend a minimum of one follow-up credit session per month to advise counselor of progress.
For the plan to be effective, the client agrees to disclose all information necessary to assist in the process.
Tips from the Credit Counselor
Home Buyers
You must have a budget.
Buy what you need, not what you want.
Have a yard sale. Get a return on your investment by selling items you have made or no longer need.
You should never have more than 2 major credit cards.
Plan your spending. Avoid frequent use of ATM / Debit cards.
Never do business with lenders who initiate contact with you.
Your home is your greatest investment. Get a home inspection at least every 15 years.