These funds may not be used to modify units owned or operated by public housing authorities or a facility licensed by DPW or DOH, for support services, to correct code violations, for relocation expenses, or for escrow purposes to return the unit to its original condition. The program will not fund the cost of an addition to a home. The applicant must provide all requested documentation to determine eligibility.
Program Objectives
To serve people of all ages with disabilities requiring accessibility modifications to their residences.
To promote the health and safety of people with disabilities living in the community.
To expand living options for persons with disabilities and to prevent institutionalization.
To increase the ability to function effectively in one's own home.
Eligibility Requirements
The beneficiary must have permanent disability, verified by a physician's statement, that limits access to and use of the dwelling.
The beneficiary must be a homeowner, leaseholder, or family member residing in Chester County.
The total household income of all persons residing in the home may not exceed 80% of the median income as set by HUD for the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area.
Income Limits The maximum gross annual income limits for the program are: